Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Create a Resume The Top 29 Terms You Need to Know

How to Create a Resume The Top 29 Terms You Need to Know How to Create a Resume The Top 29 Terms You Need to Know I know bedrngnishing in the world that has as much power as a word.Emily Dickinsons simple sentence was likelynot written in reference to career development, but it still serves as a good lesson to keep in mind through the process of creating a resume. For example, the resume keywords you choose are incrediblyimportant in securing a job.Words equallyworth consideration, though, are necessary resume components. Alphabetically, here are the top 29 terms you need to know when creating a resume1. 6 Seconds The average amount of time a recruiter takes to review your resume.2.Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) Automated software that more than 90 percent of large and medium-sized companies now use to streamlinethe hiring process.3. Active VoiceAlways use action wordswhen you create a resume Led a dynamic team sounds way better than Was a team leader.4.Career Summary A short yet i nformative set of lines at the top of your resume that describe your career arc. Its also a great place to includekeywords. This is not the same as an objective statement (more on that later).5. Contact InformationEmployers cant offer up a dream job if they cant find you Your resume should include a professional email address, phone number, and your current city and state.6. CV (Curriculum Vitae)While a resume is a concise overview of career experiences, a studienplan vitae goes into great detail about your educational and professional history, awards, and accomplishments. CVs are more commonly used than resumes in certain industries and countries.7. Dates Sayyou worked at a company from September of 2013 to March of 2014. Dont put 2013-14 on your resume- save the recruiter some time and be specific from the get-go.8. EducationIf youre seeking jobs in a field that places special emphasis on education (such as medicine), schooling information should go near the top of your resume.9. File NameInstead of Resume or 2015 Resume, incorporate your full name and at least part of the job title into yourresume file name. Jane Smith Marketing Director, for example.10. Font Choice Stick to standard, conservative typefacesHelvetica, Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, or Tahoma are safe choices. Legibility is the priority when it comes to resume fonts.11. Gaps Many professionals have work history gaps. Instead of trying to get tricky and cover up those gaps,address them either directly on your resume or in a cover letter.12. Hard SkillsThe term hard skill refers to a specific program, process, or procedure that you have experience using- such as SEO marketing or the Adobe Creative Suite.13. InstructionsAccording to recruiters, one of the biggest job search mistakes candidates make is not following application instructions. Heed all special resume requirements in job postings.14. Job Description Ajob description is your best friend when it comes to identifying keywords for eac h position. This is also an excellent tool for understanding a companys values.15.JobscanJobscans analysis tool instantly measures howwell your resume aligns with a specific job description- and then makes suggestions for improvement, such as increasing the frequency of certain keywords or adding measurable accomplishments. Try Jobscan for free and see how it can increase your interview chances16. KeywordsKeywords are the most important element in todays job search an ATS searches for keyword matches between your resume and a job description. Once that resume passes the software platform test, it will be seen by a human recruiter, so dont try keyword stuffing. Your resume will need to appeal toa human reader, too.17. LinkedIn Profile LinkedIn profiles have become standard in modern job searching, but theyre not a resume substitute. Do include your LinkedIn profile link on your resume, though.18. Measurable AccomplishmentsYour resume should not be a series of past job descriptions. I nstead, show what you achieved through quantifiable resume accomplishments. Check out some resume accomplishments examples here.19. Non-Traditional Resume Creative resumes such ast-shirts or cakescan be cool- but can also backfire. Non-traditional resumes should only be used if appropriate to your target company or role.20. Objective Statement Replace this outdated resume element with a career summary. Your next boss knows that your objective is to find a job. How will you help her achieve her goals? Focus on that instead.21. Orphan Thisrefers to a line of your resume that contains only one word. A resume should have both great content and visual appeal.22. Page LimitIf important details from the past 10 to 15 year of of your work history dont fit on one page, dont sweat it. Resume length isnt a factor for an ATS, and recruiters prefer white space.A well-planned two-page resume is better than a crammed one-page resume.23. References The phrase References available upon request needs to be deleted from your resume, pronto. Its implied that if an employer needs your references, theyll ask. Even if they ask for them in the job posting, provide a separate references sheet.24.Resume Format When youre creating a resume, there are 3 main formats to choose fromA) chronological, which begins with your most recent experience and works backwardsB)functional, where you present work experience as a collection of different skills andC) ahybrid resume,which combines elements of the first two options.25.Soft SkillsSoft skills are subjective traits that describe your work style and professional attitude. Organization, communication, and flexibility are all soft skills.26. TailoringTailoringthe resume you submit for each job application isan absolute must. Even 10 Marketing Coordinator positions will have 10 different sets of requirements.27. Templates How to create a resume when you just dont have much time? Try a resume template. Jobscan compiled 20 ATS-friendly resume templa tes that you can use for free28.TyposSpellcheck isnt sufficient in the great fight against typos. Enlist the help of a friend, mentor, or other professionalto ensure that your resume is error-free.29. Volunteer WorkNot all work experience is paid If a job requires leadership skills, and youve honed yours outside the office, punktlicht those volunteer achievements.Creating a resume is hard work, but there are many resources to help you along the way. Use these terms as a checklist to get started

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Have a Positive Career Attitude - The Muse

How to Have a Positive Career Attitude - The MuseHow to Have a Positive Career Attitude Have you ever had a not-so-pleasant experience that causes your mind to automatically jump into autopilot and put its own little spin on the situation? For example, my client Amelia was a finalist for a recent promotion, but in the end, the otzu sich candidate was selected. Amelias brain went into overdrive trying to explain why she wasnt chosen. She was sure she wasnt good enough. And because she didnt measure up this time, she figured she would probably never measure up. In fact, she should forget about the idea of being promoted completely.On and on it went- a circle of thinking doom that turned into a torrent of self-deprecation, rather than the isolated incident that it was.Amelias experience is what psychologists call cognitive distortions. Theyre patterns of thinking that take a simple event, apply a very subjective interpretation, and then wreak havoc like a runaway train- all in your head When you let cognitive distortions overtake your thinking patterns, you create more stress for yourself, lower your self-esteem, and erode your self-confidence. Lets look at five common cognitive distortions and how you can take immediate action to counteract those thought processes. 1. Black-or-White ThinkingThis is when life- and all the situations in it- becomes an all-or-nothing game. For Amelia, missing out on one promotion turned into, Ill probably never be promoted in my career ever again, no matter how long I live.In this distortion, you see one failure and project the same fate upon all your future endeavors, as well. Change ItThis is an extreme way of thinking- and its not realistic. When you hear yourself going in this direction, push back. Challenge yourself to think about situations in which youve been successful, received promotions, or been recognized for work well done. 2. Catastrophic ThinkingHas anyone ever accused you of making a mountain out of a molehill? You ge t some information- for example, that a report you need for a presentation is going to be late- and you immediately spin it into a catastrophic outcome Without the report, the presentation will suck Well all be fired because we wont hit the mark Ill never be able to work in this industry againChange ItWhen you feel yourself delving into a worst-case scenario, ask yourself one question What do I have control over right now? Perhaps you can perfect the rest of the presentation while waiting for the report. Maybe you get on the phone with the people responsible for the report and appeal for an earlier delivery date. Focus on what you can control, and youll see that you can take action- and lower your stress level in the process.3. Filtering the PositivesAmelia had actually accomplished quite a bit. But you wouldnt know if from her perspective on the missed promotion. In reality, she was one of the top performers in the group. Her manager put her in the running for the promotion. She pe rformed well in the interview process and, with a little more experience, shell probably get another shot at a higher role. But she tuned out all of that to focus on the not-so-positive result I didnt get the promotion I probably never will. She sounds kind of like the amtsstube Eeyore- the pessimistic, gloomy donkey known for seeing the downside of just about everything. When you filter out the positives, you distort your thinking to overlook everything youve accomplished- which makes it so much less engaging to go to work Change ItEvery time you acknowledge a negative event or action, force yourself to acknowledge an equally legitimate positive event. To help you do that, create a list with two columns what went wrong and what went right. Youll quickly see theres far more on the right side of the page. 4. Jumping to ConclusionsWeve all done it. You observe something and then decide you know all the meaning behind it often without a shred of fact. Amelia thought, My anfhrer boss do esnt say good morning when he walks by my desk. He must hate me. No wonder I didnt get that promotion.Really? The only facts she has are that the boss doesnt greet her in the morning and that she didnt get the promotion. Thats it. From that, she can garner nothing about the boss feelings for her or his opinion on her level of competence. Yet, shes suddenly jumped from he doesnt say good morning, to he must really hate me. Jumping to conclusions at its finest. Change ItWhen you feel yourself climbing the ladder to a faulty conclusion, theres only one question you need to ask yourself Is that a fact, or is that a conclusion Im drawing based on the situation I see? If you stay rooted in facts, youll keep yourself off the jumping-to-conclusions stress bandwagon. 5. The Fallacy of External ControlWhen you see yourself as a victim because of circumstances outside your control, youre under the fallacy of external control. In Amelias case, it might have sounded like this Well, Im not surpri sed I didnt get the promotion. My boss has me working so many hours, theres no way I could have had time to prepareIn reality, though, theres no way you can blame your boss when it was you who wasnt prepared for the interview. Blaming others for a situation over which you clearly had choice is simply shirking responsibility. Change ItHeres a simple test to resolve the external control fallacy Go to a trusted advisor or mentor and share your logic. Tell him or her you didnt get the promotion because your boss overworked you and you didnt have time to prepare. Ask him or her to give you unadulterated feedback on your perspective. A trusted advisor will push back and help you see how much control you really had. One of the most important elements in changing your thought patterns is to first recognize when youre having them. When you find yourself wrestling with cognitive distortions, push back to see if those thoughts are based in fact. Finally, develop new thought patterns to counter act them- or get insight from someone you respect. When youre able to challenge your thinking, youll lower your stress level and build your career confidence.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Use LinkedIn Company Follow

How to Use LinkedIn Company FollowHow to Use LinkedIn Company FollowAre you interested in learning more about a specific company? Do you want to view the latest job openings or find out whom you know at the organization? Or, do you have an interview scheduled, and want to learn more about the employer before the conversation? LinkedIn Page Follow, also sometimes called LinkedIn Company Follow, is a tool job binnenseekers can use for researching employers and discovering contacts at organizations where they might like to work. It is also a way to receive updates about a company. Explore more of the benefits of using this tool, and get detailed instructions on how to follow a company on LinkedIn. The Benefits of Following a Company A companys page has information about the organization. This often includes a summary describing what the company does, contact information (including company location and website), and company updates. You can also see any of your connections who are em ployed at the company or connected to the company. The company page often has a Jobs tab, which allows you to see a list of current job openings. Below are some ways that you can benefit from following a company Find the right company for you. When you follow a company, youll receive regular updates about the company on your feed. For example, you will see news articles about the company, information on new job openings, and other updates. Job seekers can use this information (as well as the information on the company page) to learn about the companys culture. This can be a useful way to decide if you want to apply for a job at that company. Learn about the company for an interview. If you are interviewing with a company, checking out its LinkedIn page can give you information on the history of the company, the number of employees who work there, and more. When you follow the companys page, you will receive updates about the latest trends at the organization. Mentioning the most rec ent company information in your interview will show that you are up-to-date on the company and its place in the industry. Click on the About, Life, and People tabs on the left side of the page to learn more about the organization and the people who work for it. Review connections at the company. A list of your first-degree connections at the organization will be visible on the right side of the company profile page. Consider reaching out to one of your connections to gain an insiders perspective on working at the firm. Company insiders may provide introductions to other staff in target departments or referrals to job openings. If you have an interview lined up, they might be able to give you advice. Get more connections. If you do not yet have any contacts at the company, you can leise find connections who can help you with your job search. Click on the button in the right-hand corner of the company page that says, See all employees on LinkedIn. This will show you everyone on Linked In that works for the organization. You can then filter the list to only show you second-degree contacts. Underneath the second-degree connection, you can click on the shared connections to determine which of your first-degree contacts is directly connected to each second-degree contact. You can then reach out to your first-degree connections and request an introduction to the second-degree person at their target organization. Find jobs. If you read about the company and are interested in a job there, click the Jobs tab on the left side of the page. This will show you all recently posted jobs, as well as jobs that match your skills. Click on a job to get more information, and to learn how to apply. Get more company information. For premium subscribers, the bottom of the page will have an Insights section that includes information on the types of jobs that are typically available, employee distribution and headcount growth, and notable alumni. This will give you information about the current employees at the company. Use this information to understand the makeup of the company, and the kinds of skills they are looking for in employees. If you follow the company, you will get updates on new jobs at the organization in your feed. How to Follow a Company on LinkedIn Sign in to LinkedIn (youll need to register first if youre not a member)Click on the search icon at the top of any LinkedIn page.Type a company name in the search field.Click the Follow button near the company name in the search results list.If youd like to learn more about the company before following, click the company name to see more details. You can then click the Follow button under the employer name or click ... then the checkmark to follow in the upper right corner of that page to begin following the organization if you decide to do so. How to Unfollow a Company To update or change the list of companies youre following, go to the company page, and then click Unfollow at the top of the p age. Also keep in mind that companies can see who is following them through their reporting features.